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Knowledge is power!

To help you gain that knowledge, we work with Amazon Books to select some of  the best books on how to buy and sell homes on your own. With the information provided in these, you can be prepared to increase your return on your property investments!

 This selection is updated on a regular basis, so come come see us again soon!

P.S.  We no longer list prices because Amazon changes them quite frequently.  We do list the synopsis for some of the books to help you choose the item best suited for you.

howsellwoutbroker.gif (8253 bytes) How to Sell Your Home Without a Broker
by Bill Carey, Suzanne Kiffman, Chantal Howell-Carey
This timely how-to is a road map for the do-it-yourselfer. Now in its second edition, it features a friendlier, workbook format and three new chapters, plus seller worksheets, sample contracts and useful tax forms. BILL CAREY has been a realtor and tax consultant in California and a frequent speaker at real estate seminars. CHANTAL HOWELL CAREY is a Texas real estate broker and seminar speaker. SUZANNE KIFFMANN is a professional writer and business systems designer
The for Sale by Owner Kit : Attracting the Buyer, Closing the Deal, Saving $$$ on Commissions
by Robert Irwin
Literally walking the seller through the entire process, this book tells how to set a realistic price, prepare a home for sale, promote a home with effective signs and advertising, find buyers, deal with documents and legalities, cooperate with agents and brokers, and close the deal. Bestselling real estate author Bob Irwin presents two dramatic changes--the Internet and the 1997 Taxpayer Relief Act-- that are reshaping the face of the consumer real estate market. Irwin explains these developments and the impact each has upon selling a house "by owner".
HomeBuyKit.gif (5702 bytes) The Home Buyer's Kit : Finding Your Dream Home, Financing Your Purchase, Making the Best Deal, Gaining Tax Benefits -- Edith Lank; Paperback
From updated mortgage and legal information to advice about using Internet resources and dealing with lead paint, The Homebuyer's Kit furnishes would-be home buyers with everything they need to know about making one of the most important investments of their lives.

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10 Minute Guide to Buying and Selling Your Home     (10 Minute Guides)
by Stanley Page
This step-by-step guide will provide invaluable advice for anyone involved in a real estate transaction. Included are basic strategies such as finding the right property, negotiating the best price, working with agents, and avoiding last-minute problems at closings. Charts and illustrations.

10 minutes is all you need to learn how to research communities or neighborhoods to which you're considering moving, figure out how much home you can really afford, find a broker who will negotiate the best deal for you, price your house so it will sell quickly, and prepare all the necessary documents needed to insure a smooth closing.

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Getting Started in Real Estate Investing (2nd Ed.)(Getting Started in Series)
by Michael C. Thomsett, Jean Freestone Thomsett
This second edition of this popular and accessible introduction to real estate investing contains all-new examples, updated charts, and timely additions to reflect upon important changes in today's market. 30 graphs. 25 charts & tables.

After a decade-long slump, real estate has rebounded to become one of today's hottest investment vehicles. This beginner's guide shows you how to successfully identify - and profit from - the market's many lucrative opportunities. Written in nontechnical, easy-to-follow terms, Getting Started in Real Estate Investing, Second Edition, gives you the straight facts on everything from mortgage payments and property selection to financing options and land-lording issues. Packed with convenient sidebar definitions, easy-to-follow examples, and real-life case histories, as well as tips on avoiding possible pitfalls, this completely updated volume offers the latest information on: real estate versus traditional investments; direct mortgage lending; the resurgence of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs); capital gains and losses; speculation and rental trends; the best tax strategies; and much more!

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Home Buyer's Checklist : A Foolproof Guide to Finding the Perfect House
by Richard M. Scutella, Dave Heberle, Jay Marcinowski (Illustrator)
This home inspection book is the only one that helps home buyers determine what they need and want in a home, and the only one that follows a unique system of over 35 reproducible checklists to help them find that "dream house." Includes information on financing options, woodstove safety, water wells, and more. 75 illustrations.

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Dictionary of Real Estate Terms (4th Ed) (Barron's Real Estate Guides)
by Jack P. Friedman, Jack C. Harris, J. Bruce Lindeman
This pocket-sized book provides brief, easy-to-understand definitions of more than 2,000 terms that relate to real estate purchase, sale, taxes, and law. It also features helpful graphs, tables, and charts, with information updated in this new edition to reflect the current real estate market. Here is a fine take-along handbook for people entering the house-buying market, and a helpful quick-reference source for real estate agents.

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